A Matura certificate is required to be admitted to a Swiss university. The following article describes the various options for a Matura in Switzerland.

The high school Matura
The majority of the grammar school is attended from the last school year of the lower secondary level or after the secondary level I. Grammar schools that offer this Matura are called «short-term grammar schools». This high school education lasts four years. Various cantons also know the long-term grammar schools, which are directly connected to the primary school. Schooling at long-term high schools usually lasts six years. The high school Matura enables direct access to Swiss universities and is mostly recognized abroad.

The professional baccalaureate
The vocational baccalaureate is an expanded and in-depth general education in addition to an apprenticeship. It enables direct access to a field of study related to the profession at a university of applied sciences and can:

During the apprenticeship (additional lessons in general subjects at the vocational secondary school (BMS),
after the apprenticeship (as a full or part-time course),
be taken independently of school (on the occasion of the federal vocational baccalaureate exams).
Anyone who has passed the passerelle supplementary examination in addition to the federal professional baccalaureate certificate can enroll at a Swiss university or university of education.

The specialized school-leaving certificate
After completing the three-year training at a technical secondary school, the specialist Matura can be acquired. The specialized school-leaving certificate enables direct access to a university of applied sciences or a teacher training college in the chosen occupational field (course teacher for the primary level, including kindergarten / pre-school level).

Anyone who has passed the passerelle supplementary examination in addition to their federal diploma can enroll at a Swiss university or college of education for all courses.
