What do private schools cost? Private schools only for the rich?

This blog article deals with the costs of private schools in a differentiated manner. Schoolaboo explains why these are so different and why a private school often costs more. And why a private school can be an option for any budget.

Private schools as a result of the changing needs of parents

In view of the large number of private schools, it turns out that attending a private school is an alternative for many parents despite bearing the same costs. Studies show that every tenth student in Switzerland attends a private school. The reasons will be discussed in one of the upcoming blog articles. Private schools have long played an important role in the educational landscape. They respond to the many needs of parents and children, such as diversity, flexibility and individuality. And respond to these needs with just as diverse educational concepts. Private schools are able to adapt to individual needs and to adapt their offerings accordingly. Meanwhile, public schools are much more in a regulated corset. The question remains: what do they cost?

Different concepts

Individuality has its price. Attending a public school, which is also very expensive (on average CHF 20,000 per pupil and year), is paid for by the respective canton. In contrast, the costs of attending school in a privately run school are borne in full by the parents.

The price of private schooling is just as different as the respective school concept. It costs from a few hundred francs to several thousand per month. Various factors justify the massive price difference. In the lower segment there are small schools, which often emerged from a homeschooling offer. Parents with an educational background initially taught their children at home. It was their concern to awaken their joy in learning again. They also found it very important to promote many other skills in addition to school material that are not part of the learning plan in a public school. Due to the positive development of their own children and the wish of other parents, e.g. from the neighborhood and / or circle of friends, to also use this home schooling, often mixed-age classes emerged in the initially private rooms. When their children have all successfully completed their school days and the business model has proven itself, these schools remain on the market. Teacher wages and infrastructure costs often remain at a modest level in these small schools. This is often also part of the concept. The quality of this type of school is nevertheless high..

Not only the individuality increases the costs

On the other side of the spectrum are internationally known schools, some of which have existed for over 100 years. One example of this is the Disentis Abbey Gymnasium, which is in the middle price segment and has even existed for over 1000 years. High-priced schools, such as the Institut am Rosenberg or Le Rosay, have focused on students from different nations and cultures from the very beginning. That is why, in addition to the Swiss qualification, they offer various international school qualifications. The school concepts sometimes go so far that one teacher is available for almost every student. The children live on campus year round for obvious reasons, which requires a large number of teachers and caregivers. Furthermore, the infrastructure must meet the various needs of these children in terms of recreational activities, safety and security – around the clock. Such care is reflected in the costs and is therefore often hardly an option for most Swiss parents.

Different costs and therefore there is a suitable school solution for almost every budget

Thanks to the abundance of private schools in Switzerland, it can be seen that there is a school solution for almost every budget. The schoolaboo coaches therefore find out what is important to them in several discussions with the children and parents. They also place an emphasis on finding out which school best meets the child’s physiological learning needs. Of course, budget restrictions are also an important aspect of school choice. It should not be forgotten, however, that some schools provide funds for pupils. Would you like more information? Get in contact with us info@schoolaboo.com !


Source: A school can also look like this:: www.naturschule-woniya.ch
