Institut Montana Zugerberg AG


Institut Montana Zugerberg was founded on May 3, 1926 by Dr. Max Husmann opens. His humanistic vision to help each student to find his or her individuality and to strive for his own way is still the philosophy of the school.

My Place to Grow ©

Today the boarding school and day school accommodate around 330 pupils between the ages of 6 and 19. You learn in a caring environment in which everyone treats each other with fairness and respect.

Institut Montana employs outstanding staff from all over the world and teaches in classes that have an average of 10 students. Teachers who care about their subject, caring house parents, counselors and mentors who accompany the students through all the challenges of life, employees who keep the Institut Montana clean and take care of its maintenance and healthy nutrition: they are all part of the Montana family.

Live in the heart of Switzerland

The boarding school is located in the heart of Switzerland. From the Zugerberg you can look down on the busy city of Zug. Although the campus is in the middle of nature, it is easy to get to Zurich International Airport that is only an hour away. The city of Lucerne, rich in culture and history, can also be discovered nearby.

Institut Montana is surrounded by pre-alpine meadows and forests and even has its own fresh water source. The school is in every way an inspiring place to study in the middle of a healthy environment. The hiking trails in front of the institute’s doors can be explored with hiking boots or by bike. In winter you can slide through the snow-covered landscape on cross-country skis or sledges.

School offer

The Montana Institute offers a selection of different educational paths that lead to a Swiss educational qualification or an IB (International Baccalaureate Diploma). Common to all options is the spirit of Montana. Every student is a valuable individual for the school with personal strengths and a promising future of their own.

Bilingual primary school (levels 1-6)

The primary school timetable corresponds to the Swiss school system and embeds traditional subjects in a program in which learning and discovery are the focus. Project-based learning and presentations ensure that motivation is kept high. The introduction of curriculum 21 supports the use of technology in all school subjects. In this way the children become skilled computer users and learn to use Word, Excel, PowerPoint and other programs skillfully.

The children enter the primary school of Institut Montana with either german or english skills. Thanks to the bilingual lessons based on the immersion principle, you will quickly feel comfortable in both languages.

Bilingual Secondary School (Levels 7-9)

The bilingual secondary school offers an excellent learning environment, which is particularly suitable as a bridge between primary and high school education. This is a phase in which many young people want to try out different educational paths. Some could benefit from individual promotion of their language skills in order to achieve their goal – be it an IB diploma or the federal Matura.

In accordance with the international orientation of the school, the bilingual secondary school offers bilingual training in German and English, with French as a third language. Students benefit from intensive language training that supports them in their learning.

Swiss Gymnasium (levels 7-12)

The federal Matura gives students access to higher education at renowned Swiss universities such as the Federal Technical Universities in Zurich and Lausanne (ETHZ and EPFL), the University of St. Gallen (HSG) or the Lausanne Hotel Management School (EHL). It is also recognized by universities around the world. Institut Montana offers a bilingual path that opens up these possibilities for students.

Swiss education at the Institut Montana is characterized by its international orientation and its individual approach. Students will learn three languages ​​(English, German and French) and can opt for the bilingual Matura. In the end, you will be fluent in both English and German.

Cambridge International Program and IB Diploma Program (Levels 6-12)

The lower levels follow first the Cambridge Lower Secondary Program (CLSP) and then the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) program, which provide a solid foundation for an international education. The last two school years are dedicated to the International Baccalaureate Diploma Program (IB Diploma Program). IB Diploma is an internationally recognized degree that gives access to top universities around the world. The IB success rate and the overall grades from Institut Montana are consistently above the global average.

High School Diploma Program (Levels 11-12)

For students with a different career path and academic goals, we offer a program that leads to a high school diploma. With this degree you can study at an American university or complete vocational training.

Institut Montana Cambridge English Foundation Year (Levels 5-7)

Institut Montana Cambridge English Foundation Year is aimed at students in grades 5-7 who need to acquire good English language skills in order to join an international academic program.

Building solid language and academic skills during the Cambridge English Foundation Year (CEFY) enables students to seamlessly begin our Cambridge Lower Secondary Program (grades 6-8), ideally without repeating the academic year.

Summer camp

The motto of the summer camp is learning – growing – moving – meeting and that is exactly what awaits the children.

It’s all about the combination of learning and fun! In the intensive English or German course, children can significantly improve their language skills so that they can easily converse in the foreign language. In the afternoon, you can expect exciting and inspiring workshops on the subjects of business & entrepreneurship, science & technology or creativity & art.

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