Institut Beatenberg


Family-owned since it was founded in 1945, the former “Alpine boarding school” has changed over time and adapted to needs. Today the Beatenberg Institute is one of the most innovative model schools in Switzerland, a boarding and day school for children and young people between 10 and 17 years of age. Here are a few keywords:

• Promotion of self-competent learning
• Prepare “for life” with personalized goals
• Family atmosphere and personal coaching
• Modern and generous infrastructure for learning and leisure
• Incomparable location with a view of the Eiger, Mönch and Jungfrau

Nestled in one of the most beautiful regions of Switzerland, the Beatenberg Institute offers a place to get all-round fit for life. The co-educational boarding and day school is known far beyond the borders of Switzerland for its personalized learning concept. Education is here, based on the basis of scientific knowledge and completely in the service of the learner or geared towards the future success of the learner, rethought and implemented accordingly. Because one thing is clear: there is no alternative to success in schooL.


The socialization backgrounds of children and adolescents are increasingly diverging from one another, so a constructive approach to diversity is always required. The aim at the Beatenberg Institute is to create the conditions for successful learning. School must be a place that learners experience as successful. Nevertheless, success requires performance. Learning therefore means dealing constructively with difficulties and resistance. Learners should develop joy in dealing with resistance. Because: Success is linked to performance, to many small victories over yourself.
Multiple Fitness Concept (click to enlarge)

Fit fürs Leben

Those who leave school should be fit for life. Four letters aptly describe what it is about: “zwäg” (swiss german for feeling good and fit). Anyone who is “zwäg” is ready, has everything together. But he is also prepared in a broader sense for the things that may come. And a “zwäger Typ” is a person you like, who you can rely on. As a “compulsive” school, the Beatenberg Institute relies on the “home-made” model of multiple fitness.

Those who leave school should be fit for life. Four letters aptly describe what it is about: “zwäg”. Anyone who is “zwäg” is ready, has everything together. But he is also prepared in a broader sense for the things that may come. And a “dwarf type” is a person you like, who you can rely on. As a “compulsive” school, the Beatenberg Institute relies on the “home-made” model of multiple fitness.


Model School?

The OECD and the Center for Educational Research and Innovation – CERI – OEC have also researched in a major global project what distinguishes innovative and effective learning environments. Such Innovative Learning Environments (ILE) serve the goal of a sustainable development of skills for a rapidly changing society. One of the few schools examined in Switzerland was the Beatenberg Institute. And it turned out that our personalized learning concept meets all of these seven criteria “to a very high degree”.

Quote: «The Beatenberg Institute has developed a learning environment that is clearly geared towards taking into account individual requirements and educational goals as well as self-competent learning. The detailed analysis shows that the learning environment fulfills all the criteria for innovative and effective learning environments of the ILE project of the OECD to a very high degree. ”

Or like Prof. Dr. Joachim Bauer, a renowned neuroscientist in his own right, puts it: “The Beatenberg Institute practices exactly what characterizes every good school: A relationship-oriented pedagogy that offers young people, embedded in a friendly and supportive school atmosphere, qualified offers and demands something from their students.

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