Gymnasium und Internat Kloster Disentis

The way up – a school that offers more than just education

The monks of the Disentis Monastery describe their school as follows:
“The school is still run by us, some monks still teach and the Matura” made in Disentis “still leads to the best universities and colleges in Switzerland and abroad without exams. But instead of a” monastery school “we call it what it really is: a local high school with an attached boarding school and students from Germany and abroad. ”

The Disentis Monastery is a Benedictine abbey in the Canton of Graubünden. The abbey was founded around the year 700. It bears the name of Saint Martin and is today as it was in the late 17th century. The monastery school of Disentis was first mentioned in a document in 1285 with reference to the teaching of the Seven Liberal Arts. Thanks to its grammar school, the monastery is still an important educational institution in Graubünden today.

Today, around 150 pupils from the region, from home and abroad attend school at the Disentis Abbey Gymnasium and boarding school. Around a third of them live in boarding school. Boys and girls live in separate houses. The students live in single rooms with their own wet room. The girls live in a building that was designed by the famous architect Caminada and has already received several architectural awards.

schoolaboo recommends the Disentis Abbey Gymnasium & Boarding School for the following reasons: “The school has strong values ​​that are shaped by the Benedictine community. In addition to being open to the world and affirmation of life, great importance is attached to regular day-to-day structures and individual care. The structured everyday life helps the students To focus better and to learn more concentrated. Other pluses; the manageable size of the school, the extraordinary location in the middle of the mountains with excellent sports facilities and the architecture of the monastery help the students to focus and create the necessary calm to achieve their goal of the Swiss Matura The community of monks, the staff, teachers and learners maintain a warm, family-like atmosphere. Here people hold together and strengthen each other. Schoolaboo also noticed that parents and students alike are very happy and positive about their school to report.”
(schoolaboo approved October 2020)

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