Gymnasium Immensee

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Gymnasium Immensee

Matura school with a public service mandate


The Immensee grammar school with day school and boarding school has been recognized for many years for its top-quality care and innovative educational concept.

We accompany our learners attentively and carefully on their way to a successful Matura and thus to study ability in all subject areas. In addition, we support them in finding answers to their existential questions.

Anyone who went to school at the Immensee grammar school has learned to lead a self-determined, future-oriented life in the digital age. The Immenseer Matura opens the door to studying at all Swiss and international universities and colleges.

Although a comparatively small – and therefore familiar – school, the Immensee grammar school has a wide range and successful forms of learning, combined with clear structures:

  • 7 focus subjects, 13 supplementary subjects, Latin offerings
  • Bilingual lessons (“immersion”)
  • Comprehensive support, competent support
  • Clear structures that provide support and at the same time are open to individual personal development
  • Demand and support self-organized learning (SOL) and thus optimal preparation for studies
  • Excellent individual support and a personal environment
  • A community that supports one another

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