Freies Gymnasium Basel

The FG Basel is the only private school in north-western Switzerland to offer a uniform and coordinated educational path under one roof.

Tailor-made education since 1889

FG Basel

  • recognizes and promotes individual strengths
  • enables the targeted path to maturity
  • has a school building with modern infrastructure
  • offers structured school days to support parents
  • conveys values ​​and traditions in a family environment

The FG Basel has been a private alternative to state schools since it was founded and sees itself not as competition, but as a complement that contributes to a diverse and high-quality educational offer. Despite all the changes that the school has undergone in its 130-year history, it still rests on the same strong foundation of values ​​that were already important to the founders: humanity, the idea of ​​humane pedagogy and individual care as well the will, in addition to knowledge, to contribute to a holistic education of the students.

The right to take the Matura in-house for almost 60 years stands for the success and quality of the FG educational offer. When designing its pedagogical concept and its offers, the FG Basel uses the available scope in favor of innovative, individualized teaching and a pioneering day school concept. The high rate of pupils who successfully switch to a secondary school or complete a demanding apprenticeship proves this just as much as the fact that almost 100% of high school students pass the Matura.

The FG Basel offers a complete educational path from kindergarten to the Swiss-recognized Matura or the final certificate level A, E and P under one roof. A decisive advantage of the innovative concept is the coordinated transitions between the individual school levels.


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